
  • You are registered as a member when, by filling in the online registration form, you agree to the terms and conditions stated below.
  • The registration is for a period of at least 3 months. After this period, your membership can be cancelled per calendar month.  
  • Membership is per calendar month.
  • The contribution is collected monthly by direct debit and takes place around the 1st of the month.  A request for authorization will be sent via our administration.
  • Contribution is collected in advance. For example: the collection on the 1st of August will be payment for the month of August.
  • In case of payment arrears, BJJ Leiden has the right to refuse access to the lessons, without lapse of payment obligations.
  • If the member is still in default after 4 weeks, the claim will be handed over. All costs incurred for this are at the expense of the member.

During Membership

  • BJJ Leiden has the right to unilaterally suspend registration in the event of misconduct, discrimination, aggression, use of stimulants and/or other drugs, vandalism or mistreatment of our accommodation and immediately notify the person(s) involved and deny access to the dojo. Costs for the repair of damage in and around the dojo, whether intentional or not, will be recovered.

Cancellation of membership 

  • Only written cancellations (via email: bjjleiden@gmail.com) will be processed.
  • BJJ Leiden will require one full calendar months notice in writing for cancellation of membership.

Example for clarification:

 Suppose you request termination on August 12th, this will mean that you still have to pay for the month of September.  In this case, your subscription will end as of September 30th. 

General terms and conditions

  • BJJ Leiden is not liable for injuries incurred during training sessions and/or activities of BJJ Leiden.
  • BJJ Leiden is not liable for the loss of property, due to loss or theft, during training or activities of BJJ Leiden.
  • BJJ Leiden reserves the right to adjust the contribution, lessons and the regulations. Your contribution may be adjusted annually in relation to inflation and/or rising costs.
  • These General Terms and Conditions and the house rules can be found on the website (bjjleiden.nl) and can also be requested from the instructor.

Lessons are given by Russ Homer and billed from Russ Homer JJ

Russ Homer JJ
kvk: 84065095
iban: NL89BUNQ2065235357
email: bjjleiden@gmail.com